About Us
At the heart of what we do is a small group of talented, fun-loving and very devoted people. We call ourselves the Simply Soupers.
A few years ago we all sat down and decided which values we were going to live by as a team:

Assem – Founder and owner
As she likes to put it, Assem is responsible for drinking coffee and sitting around doing nothing all day long.
Julia – General Manager
Julia`s job is to make sure all operations are running smoothly, she is our go to person when the s*% hits the fan, basically.

Joelis – Marketing Manager
Joelis makes sure that if we have an amazing new salad sauce, for example, you, the customer, knows about it! And yes, she is the hidden/prank camera woman catching our staff dancing ;)
Tomas – Chef
Tomas is the main reason any of us have something healthy and delicious to eat, including you :)

Vali – Store Manager Hallwylstrasse
Vali is famous for her expression “easy”. Laid-back and super chill, she gets the job done in no time, always with a smile on her face.
Ashley – Store Manager Pelikanstrasse
Just come to Simply Soup Pelikanstrasse and strike up a conversation with Ash, trust us, your day will only go upwards from there!

Prim – Right hand to Store Manager, Pelikanstrasse
Prim moves like a panther around Simply Soup, gracefully but quickly. She helps Ashley serve more than 250 people quickly and efficiently every lunchtime in Pelikanstrasse!
Lina – Store Manager, Kalkbreitestrasse
Our newest and youngest team member has learned German in less than a year and continues to excel at her job! We are happy to welcome Lina in our team!

Omar – Driver/Logistics
Omar drives our beloved truck and makes sure every store gets their soup just in time for opening. He is also responsible for delivering caterings to our clients, going shopping and doing small repairs around Simply Soup!